Since the last presidential election in the United States, four states have implemented strict photo ID laws at the polls, bringing the count of places with these types of laws to 10. Additionally, three more states have made their ID laws stricter and in one state, such a change was…

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia said on Saturday it had signed a A$2.2 billion ($1.4 billion) four-year contract with state-owned submarine builder ASC to upgrade the navy’s Collins class submarines. The “sustainment contract” is part of a government pledge to keep the diesel-electric powered Collins-class fleet “a potent strike and deterrence…

(Corrects headline to add dropped space, no change to story text) By David Shepardson (Reuters) -The Department of Justice late on Friday asked a U.S. appeals court to reject legal challenges to a law requiring China-based ByteDance to divest TikTok’s U.S. assets by Jan. 19 or face a ban. “The…


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Shares of Ribbon Communications (RBBN) have sunk 16% following the release of the company’s Q2 results on July 24. Revenue for the period fell 8.5% year-over-year to $192.6 million, missing its guided range of $200-210 million and coming in $12.3 million below the $204.9 million analysts had anticipated. Additionally, the…