• The Bilbao native is going back to the Basque for the UWCL final in a match full of emotions.
  • The OL midfielder hopes to win her second UWCL title in front of her family and friends.

A Final Not Like Any Other

Olympique Lyonnais and FC Barcelona reached the final of the UEFA Women’s Champions League. They’ll go head-to-head this Saturday for the third time with the previous two encounters going to Lyon’s favor.

Will it be a third-time charm for Barca? Lyon’s #6 surely hopes not.

Born in Spain to a Spanish father and a Dutch mother, Damaris Egurrola then migrated to the United States.

Having represented Spain in the youth categories, she finally opted for the Netherlands as the country to represent on the sporting scene.

When talking to the media ahead of this year’s final, Egurrola showed total confidence in her squad.

“The group is living well. Statistics don’t matter in these finals. We have to be focused and work hard throughout the match and hopefully we can win it.”

How can she not be confident in a squad where winning every trophy is the norm?

“Lyon have something special. Since my first training here, I saw that they’re built different. They’re very serious, very demanding, the girls are extremely serious, even in the simple rondo exercises. We have a great team and we have the players with enough talent to win any match.”

Lyon’s First Under Michele Kang?

This year, the club is hoping to add one more UWCL trophy, but this one will have a special taste.

While the previous 8 UWCL successes were under Jean Michel Aulas’ presidency, this year will have Michele Kang’s name written all over it.

“She is great. She’s a great person, she wants to give everything to women’s soccer, not only here in Lyon, but everywhere. She has a lot of ideas and it’s nice to have people like her in the game.”

The Dutch did not forget to praise the man behind Lyon’s success, Jean Michel Aulas.

“Aulas gave everything to Lyon. He created the best women’s team in the world, and no one will forget what he did. Its important for us to have someone now who wants to build on what Aulas did.”

Returning To Bilbao

In the case of a ninth UWCL triumph for Lyon, Damaris’ happiness would be doubled.

Not only would she add another title to her already-stocked trophy cabinet, she would do it while playing in front of her family and friends.

The Spanish-born star is returning home to Bilbao and she surely isn’t holding her emotions back.

“I’ve been thinking of this day and night. I’ve been dreaming of playing this match. Having the opportunity to play in San Mames is amazing. This is where it all started for me.”

Since the start of the 2023/2024 season, Lyon’s star has been eyeing the 25th of May, 2024.

“It’s my home. I played there for a long time, I did the whole academy there, I will have a lot of family and friends who will come to the stadium,” she enthusiastically said on Monday during the media day organized by the club.

“I will be able to share this moment with people who gave everything for me.”

Damaris Considers Bonmati As Barca’s Biggest Threat

However, she knows Barca are not easy to handle and one particular player is catching her attention. No surprise, Aitana Bonmati.

“Aitana is the most important player in Barca. She controls the tempo; she knows how to put the others in danger. We have to watch out for her.”

“They’re all good of course, they have quality in their squad, but after having played with Aitana, I know how dangerous she can be.”

Slightly injured in the head during the D1 Arkéma final against PSG, Damaris Egurrola remains under observation by the OL staff but does not want to miss this Champions League final for the world.

Snubbed by the Spanish selection, this is the ideal opportunity for her to showcase her talent in front of the country’s biggest name in women’s soccer: FC Barcelona.

A feeling of UWCL supremacy and legacy on one side, of revenge on the other, this OL Féminin – FC Barcelona show promises to be explosive and Damaris is waiting to be able to “celebrate the Champions League trophy with my family in Bilbao.”

Will it be a happy ending for Dama? Or will Bonmati’s teammates ruin the party for her?

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