One thing Hollywood is very good at is generating explanations for a flop — or in this case, multiple flops. Last year’s actor and writer strikes cut into movie production; marketing movies is hard in 2024; maybe the movies weren’t any good; streaming has taught people to stay home, etc.

But the most obvious explanation is the one Hollywood and the people who love Hollywood are least likely to say out loud: People aren’t going to the movies like they used to. Period.

The statistics are quite clear about this: In 2002, Americans went to the movies 5.2 times a year; by 2019, that number had shrunk to 3.5 times a year.

The pandemic, of course, devastated the box office. But post-Covid, things are still lousy. Analyst and investor Matthew Ball says the average moviegoer went 2.3 times in 2023 — the same year the industry was crowing about the revival of the box office, led by Barbie and Oppenheimer.

Hollywood has been responding to the decline by raising ticket prices — they shot up an estimated 20% between 2019 and 2022 — and pushing moviegoers who do want to go out to much more expensive theaters, like Imax screens. (I paid $44.76 for the two Furiousa tickets I bought over the weekend at my local Alamo Drafthouse. No complaints, though — I love that chain.)

They should be going the other way, and cutting prices, says Sony movie boss Tom Rothman. “It’s fundamental consumer economics: just lower the prices and you’ll sell more,” he said in a recent interview that’s generating lots of buzz in the industry:

There’s a value proposition in pricing for two constituencies that are important to us. Kids are trying to make rent, they don’t have a lot of disposable income. And the second very significant pricing-sensitive segment is the family audience. It’s too dang expensive to take your whole family to the movies right now, even if the kids get in half price or whatever.

That seems pretty reasonable to me. And people obviously are still willing to go to the movies on special occasions — see, again, Barbie and Oppenheimer.

But there’s no way around the internet, and the competition it provides for everything, including movie-going.

In 2002, about 7% of Americans had broadband internet at home. Now 80% do. Then factor in the phone — which you’re likely reading this story on — and all the things you can watch on that, for free. Fighting that is like fighting gravity.

I don’t think movies or movie theaters are going away. (And don’t blame me! I think I’ve been to at least six this year.) But it’s time to stop being surprised when movie-goers, year after year, say they’d rather do something else.

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