• Melania Trump broke from first lady tradition in many ways. 
  • As a former lingerie model and an immigrant, she’s very different from most modern first ladies. 
  • While Trump has the support of many loyal fans, her time as first lady was filled with controversy.

Melania Trump was a first lady unlike any other. 

She was the only first lady in almost 200 years to be born outside the US, and the only first lady whose native language isn’t English. Trump was also the first first lady to be a former lingerie model.

Her actions as the first lady of the US similarly broke from tradition, winning over loyal fans and sparking questions from conspiracy theorists. Trump also became known for her fashion choices, with fans applauding her designer outfits and critics slamming her expensive tastes. 

On Friday, April 26, she is celebrating her 54th birthday.

Here’s what we know about the mysterious former first lady — and the conspiracies and controversies that dogged her during Donald Trump’s presidency and beyond. 

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