Have public attitudes toward the police and Black Lives Matter (BLM) changed since George Floyd’s killing on May 25, 2020? At that time, pollsters explored public reactions to the murder as well as attitudes about the police and the BLM protests that followed. Today, only a few pollsters track these attitudes regularly. They have shifted their focus to concerns about crime, a top tier issue in the coming election.

At the time of Floyd’s death in 2020, coronavirus was the top item in the polls. The economy followed as did policing and civil disorder. In a June 2020 Washington Post/Schar School/George Mason poll, 75% of nonwhites and 68% of whites said the killing of Floyd was a sign of broader problems in police treatment of blacks. Twenty-nine percent nationally said it was an isolated incident. In a June 2020 AP/NORC poll, large majorities of white (70%) and Black respondents (90%) said white people were treated more fairly when dealing with the police. Fewer than 5% of either group said Black people were. In a June Harvard/Harris poll of registered voters, 47% said the police needed major reforms and restructuring, while 46% opted for minor reforms and more training. And a December 2020 HuffPost/YouGov question found that 12% of registered voters thought the police system was sound and needed no improvement, while 44% thought it was sound but needed some improvement. Twenty-one percent believed it was not too sound and needed many improvements, and 18% said it was not sound at all and needed significant improvements.

In polls from the time, Americans endorsed a series of reforms such as banning chokeholds and requiring police to wear body cameras. Then and now, there was little appetite for defunding the police. In the 2020 Harvard/Harris poll, 72% opposed the idea. In the same poll, 51% said the number of police on the street should be increased by 10% even if it meant a cut in other public services, while 38% wanted to decrease funding by 10% with more public services.

Only a few pollsters in 2020 asked people about their own interactions with the police. Fifty-six percent in the Harvard/Harris poll said they had been helped by a police officer (including 39% of Black respondents), 52% said they had called the police (46% of Black respondents), while 25% felt they had been mistreated by them (41% of Black respondents).

In three polls, Gallup found that support for a series of police reforms was slightly higher in their June 2020 poll than it was in October 2021 and in May 2022. Forty-six percent in June 2020 wanted to reduce police department budgets and shift money to social services, but that declined to 35% in their 2022 survey. As for abolishing police departments, only around 15% in all three polls supported this proposal. In Pew Research Center polling from 2021, three times as many people wanted to increase funding for their local police departments (46%) than decrease it (15%).

Harvard/Harris has tracked police and Black Lives Matter favorability in most of its polls since June 2020. In their June 2020 poll, 60% had a favorable opinion of the police (32% unfavorable), while 55% had a favorable opinion of Black Lives Matter (33% unfavorable). In their May 2024 poll, favorable opinions of the police had risen to 75% while favorable opinions of Black Lives Matter had fallen to 45%.

Americans are generally unable to give precise answers on today’s actual crime statistics, but they still worry about the problem. Sixty-three percent in Gallup’s most recent polling said crime in the US was an extremely or very serious problem and 17% feel that way about crime in their own neighborhoods. While Americans would no doubt welcome some police reform, their immediate concern is safety and they want the police on duty.

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