In a famous scene from “Liar’s Poker,” Michael Lewis’ best-selling memoir about 1980s trading culture, a Salomon Brothers employee defecting for a big payday at a rival bank tells the brass begging him to stay, “You want loyalty, hire a cocker spaniel.”

Decades later, the sentiment resonates more than ever at hedge funds. They’ve long been home to some of Wall Street’s fattest paydays, but in recent years a gravitational shift toward one distinct breed of fund has changed the game, minting multimillionaire traders on an industrial scale.

Over the past half-decade, multimanagers like Millennium, Citadel, and Point72 became the darlings of the hedge-fund industry. Some $200 billion gushed into these funds and their competitors starting in 2019; assets stood at $366 billion in 2024. Head count at multimanagers — known for spreading their bets across an array of individual teams and strategies — more than doubled, while staffing stagnated in the rest of the hedge-fund space.

Some accepted more money than they could reasonably invest, and hiring went in overdrive to keep pace. The hunger for portfolio managers was voracious but not always discriminating.

Multimanager funds now regularly fork over eight-figure deals to PMs, with some coveted stars receiving packages north of $50 million. But firms often must take it on faith that PMs claiming tens or hundreds of millions in profits at their former employers are being forthright.

The dirty secret, according to conversations with nearly two dozen portfolio managers, recruiters, hedge fund execs, and business-development professionals, is that many of them aren’t. When it comes to performance, traders regularly prevaricate and exaggerate; it’s just a matter of degree and audacity.

With “F-you money” hanging in the balance, there’s even greater incentive to embellish — and more on the line for investors.

“A large percentage of PMs fluff their numbers,” a recruiting exec at one large fund told Business Insider.

While hedge funds have always tried to vet candidates, both firms and employees face a dilemma: Trader P&L, industry shorthand for “profit and loss,” can’t be gleaned from an AI assistant or bought from a data vendor — it’s confidential, proprietary information belonging to a competitor.

Dishonesty on this opaque corner of Wall Street isn’t new, but the pace of hiring and deal size is. This war for talent has driven up costs for investors, who have started to push back.

Hedge funds have responded to this pressure in varying ways, including some that are bolstering efforts to verify performance. But achieving greater levels of certainty often requires a willingness to cross ethical and legal boundaries, as well as some skill in spycraft — cultivating sources and cajoling them to provide sensitive information, sometimes via clandestine meetings or anonymously mailed documents.

While industry professionals BI talked to described practices and firsthand experiences with companies, most declined to single out firms, and they asked to remain anonymous to discuss a legally sensitive topic and protect business relationships. Their identities are known to BI.

Some believe tighter vetting is uncomfortable but necessary to protect investors’ capital, but some find the descent into riskier legal territory troubling.

“You’re just putting people in bad positions,” a PM with experience at multimanager funds said. “It’s a horrible way to start a business relationship.”

Last summer, a senior headhunter who places PMs at multimanagers saw a change emerging on the hiring front lines. Before finalizing multimillion-dollar deals to hire candidates, funds were making a bold request: direct, proprietary evidence of the PM’s trading performance. Some, for example, asked PMs to jump on FaceTime or Zoom while at home and pan the camera over to their computer screen to show their P&L in their company’s internal system. Others were meeting candidates at coffee shops or going to their homes.

While some PMs obliged, eager for a hefty payday, others were spooked. Violating their nondisclosure agreements made them deeply uneasy, and the courtship stalled.

“Any PM showcasing P&L is violating the contract they signed at their current employer,” the headhunter said. “But the only way to go and get another seat is showcasing or conveying what you’ve done at your firm.

“It’s a big conundrum,” he said.

Another senior headhunter said he also observed a change starting around the summer, with multiple funds asking candidates to bring their laptop to a café, log onto their internal system, and show their P&L to finalize a hire.

This verification step typically happens toward the end of a monthslong courtship, and several headhunters BI talked to said they’d had deals fall apart in the past year because the information a fund requested made the candidate too uncomfortable.

“It’s happening more and more,” the second headhunter said. “Some guys balk at it, and that’s where the deal falls apart.”

Hard data on the extent of such practices, much like trader performance figures, isn’t available. There are more than 50 multimanager funds, some with less than $2 billion in assets and others with more than $60 billion, and management styles and hiring practices vary widely. But the industry professionals BI talked to said that generally firms were intensifying their vetting rigor and that requests for sensitive and legally protected information were becoming more common.

Perhaps the most popular and ubiquitous way of corroborating a trader’s performance is by obtaining the candidate’s pay history through W-2 tax records and deferred-compensation statements.

Because hedge fund payouts are formulaic — most multimanagers pay a standard percentage of a trader’s profits that’s typically upward of 20% — a PM’s compensation is a direct indicator of their past performance.

One multimanager exec said he asked for W-2s and screenshots of P&L, describing these requests as “the same thing everyone else asks for.” But many states, including the hedge fund hot spots New York, California, and Connecticut, have barred employers from asking about salary history.

“I don’t think reputable firms would ask you to do that.”

A PM with experience at multimanager funds said hedge fund business-development reps had been pushing for PMs to share screenshots of not just annual returns but monthly figures. Another PM said his current firm asked for such granular detail in its vetting, including subsector exposure levels and returns, that he had to compile the stats on his own because his firm didn’t track them.

A third told BI he’d shown recruiters P&L from his firm’s internal systems during in-person meetings. He said due diligence ramped up as the guaranteed pay packages got larger.

“To show something in person is always better,” he said.

Still, other hedge fund professionals said that they hadn’t experienced such requests and that they strongly objected to the practice.

“It violates all the confidentiality agreements,” another PM who’s worked at multiple funds said. “I don’t think reputable firms would ask you to do that.”

Hedge fund portfolio managers are more like the cocker spaniel, a gundog once known as much for its hunting prowess as for its loyalty, than that Salomon Brothers trader knew. Expensive, tireless, and well trained, they’re experts at sniffing out treasure that others can’t see — a skill applicable to trading but also to other vocations, including job hunting.

As the market for hedge fund PMs’ talents exploded and sign-on packages stretched into the tens of millions of dollars, scrutiny didn’t always keep pace. And some PMs smelled an opportunity.

“It can be gamed, and it’s definitely been gamed,” a PM who has worked at large multimanager funds said.

One ex-BD source at a large fund recalled a candidate who filed paperwork on official letterhead that was later revealed to be fraudulent — the candidate had combined separate documents and altered information.

“Guys lie all the time. All the time,” another headhunter said, adding that the funds had “all been burned 100 times.”

The top performers are typically worth the cost, and the top platforms have generally shown that they know which to bet on, said John Delano, the head of research and analytics for the asset manager Commonfund’s outsourced-CIO team. That doesn’t eliminate the sticker shock for investors, though.

“You kind of wince a little bit when you see the big free-agent numbers” for PM hires, Delano said.

Whether it’s a great hire or a bust, investors are increasingly picking up the tab because of the proliferation of pass-through fees, in which allocators cover a fund’s operating costs — including ballooning PM compensation.

A September report from Goldman Sachs said more than 80% of the 53 multimanager hedge funds tracked by its prime-services team had pass-through fees, up from 63% in 2022.

Some allocators have started pushing back on expenses. They’ve become “more hawkish on making sure higher fees are justified,” said Jon Caplis, the founder of the hedge fund research firm PivotalPath. “And they are trying to get as much transparency as possible.”

The Teacher Retirement System of Texas, one of the country’s largest pension funds and hedge fund investors, published an open letter in May arguing for hedge funds to implement performance hurdles that ensure they’re beating the cash rate. Dozens of investors signed the letter.

“Keeping a close eye on external-manager costs and hiring practices is not new,” Lulu Llano, a director at Texas Teachers focused on hedge fund investments, told BI. “It does appear to be getting more scrutiny given the recent capital flows into the space.”

Llano said the pension giant had observed some multimanagers taking new measures to protect their businesses amid the hiring frenzy, including lengthening sit-out periods for departing PMs and in some cases clawing back compensation.

Other funds are opting to take a harder line before a PM ever enters the front door.

With the talent war showing no signs of a détente, hedge funds face a tricky task: boost investor capital, but also safeguard it — knowing that PMs exaggerate their exploits — but don’t breach confidentiality agreements and alienate top candidates.

The pressure of solving that dilemma falls to hedge fund business-development teams, the professionals responsible for recruiting and vetting investment talent — a growing and increasingly important niche.

Allocators don’t typically get in the weeds on individual PM hires, but they do meet with the BD teams and assess a fund’s procedures and systems for recruitment and retention.

BD teams have a limited set of tools to vet a candidate. One common method is investigating and triangulating performance claims via industry sources — bankers or other hedge fund services providers, for instance.

For example, one multimanager PM recalled that when he moved to a large fund a few years ago, the recruiter already had accurate knowledge of his performance. He wasn’t asked for additional verification.

But these inquiries have limitations, including the breadth and quality of a BD team’s contacts across trading strategies.

Some firms delicately dance around the law to obtain tax records with salary history that corroborate past performance.

Funds can use tax documents, but only if a candidate volunteers them — which can require some ingenuity that “does not go in hiring manuals,” an ex-BD source said. This person said they wouldn’t explicitly ask for such information, especially in writing, but gently prodded candidates, wondering aloud whether there might be anything in their possession that could back up their claims and make the firm more comfortable closing the deal.

“You can lead the horse to water, but you can’t be like, ‘Give me your W-2,'” this person said. “People pick it up pretty quick and say, ‘Oh, I can show you my tax filings.'”

Another BD rep said many candidates would bring up the W-2 on their own.

Other firms ignore the law entirely, directly asking for tax documents from candidates, according to PMs, headhunters, and hedge fund execs said other firms would directly ask for tax documents from candidates.

But some firms want additional certainty via actual P&L figures, especially for current-year performance claims, which can translate to millions in a PM’s overall sign-on package.

The ex-BD source said some “detective work is required to protect investors.” This person recalled a colleague visiting the home of a candidate to view performance evidence. This person has also received documents via FedEx. “It doesn’t have a return address, but it has the screenshot I wanted,” he said.

“It’s really a slippery slope,” he added. “You need information to verify it, but there’s legal and ethical ramifications.”

Hedge funds regularly go to war over talent defections and breaches of their proprietary information. The legal risk for any individual PM may be small but isn’t entirely theoretical, and firms and their employees have become entangled in litigation over confidential-information breaches during recruitment.

Citadel, the $64 billion multimanager fund run by Ken Griffin, has vocally opposed recruiting practices that involve sharing confidential information. It sent out an email last fall warning external headhunting firms not to spread the firm’s proprietary information or to share competitors’ info with Citadel employees.

Citadel is not alone in its efforts to color inside the lines. One BD rep at another large multimanager fund said that asking to see a documented P&L track record was tantamount to asking for IP — “you’re asking them to break the law.” In quantitative trading, where firms are especially protective of IP and trader performance is more dependent on a larger system, overt attempts to solicit confidential P&L information aren’t common, several sources in that world said.

One of the headhunters who noticed more aggressive vetting this summer said his clients were mixed, with some funds nonchalant about asking for proprietary information and others firmly opposed.

Whether stiffer vetting processes become prevalent has ramifications for the hiring market, and firms that accept less certainty risk ceding an advantage to their competitors. To some extent, he said, PMs expecting large payouts will have to “get comfortable with proving P&Ls.”

“Otherwise,” he said, “deals aren’t getting done.”

This headhunter was recently bemoaning yet another deal, months in the making, that looked set to fall apart. Due diligence revealed the candidate had presented their track record in a misleadingly rosy light.

“It’s a colossal waste of everyone’s time,” he said.

Alex Morrell is a correspondent at Business Insider. He can be reached via email at, or SMS/the encrypted apps Signal and WhatsApp at (262) 573-1023.

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