Nestle Drumstick with Peanuts Blizzard

This Blizzard brought me back to childhood days at my Grandma’s house.

I’d often dig in the back of the freezer looking for chocolaty Drumstick treats, only to devour an entire cone within a couple of minutes. And every time, my fingers (and the floor) would end up covered in a melted mess.

Years later, I’m still a fan of Drumsticks, but I rarely eat them to avoid dealing with that mess.
Thankfully, DQ has solved that problem by creating a Blizzard with Drumstick bits blended right in that I can enjoy with the convenience of a spoon.

And let me tell you, it did not disappoint. As is the case with most of its blizzards, the vanilla ice cream made for the perfect base, accentuating the peanut-waffle-cone-Nestle chocolate flavor in the mix-ins. Peanut was definitely the predominant flavor, but it wasn’t so overpowering that I didn’t taste the chocolate.

I wish the peanut bits were larger, though, since they kept getting stuck in my teeth. I understand the peanuts on a drumstick are tiny as is, so there was no changing this.

Still, if you’re looking for a peanut-butter dessert that’s not too chocolaty or sweet, try this Blizzard. 

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