
President Joe Biden has become more willing to accept the idea of dropping out of the 2024 race and may soon be persuaded to do so, multiple outlets reported Thursday—and some high-profile Democrats reportedly told Axios they suspect he could drop out as soon as this weekend.

Key Facts

Multiple people close to the president believe he is starting to accept his less-than-ideal chances of winning the election and the idea of dropping out of the race, The New York Times reported, citing several people close to him.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has informed some House Democrats she thinks Biden can be convinced to exit the race soon, according to The Washington Post, citing three Democratic officials familiar with her private discussions.

Biden has insisted he’s not dropping out, but some unnamed top Democrats told Axios they believe Biden could leave the race as early as this weekend, saying Biden understands leaders in his party, friends and donors believe he will lose in November and they can’t change public opinion on his age and ability to govern.

No high-level Democrats have publicly indicated Biden is preparing to drop out, but The New York Times reported Wednesday Biden has been “more receptive” to arguments about him ending his re-election bid and is also willing to listen to unflattering polling data, citing Democrats briefed on the matter.

CNN also reported Biden is “receptive,” adding the president has inquired about Vice President Kamala Harris’ chances against Trump, with an unnamed Democratic adviser saying Biden has gone from saying “Kamala can’t win,” to asking “Do you think Kamala can win?”

While he has been more willing to hear alternative ideas, a person close to Biden told the Times there is nothing yet that indicates Biden is planning to change course, and spokesperson Kevin Munoz told CNN: “President Biden is the Democratic nominee and he is going to win this November.”

Biden is also facing more direct pressure from top Democrats in Congress: Pelosi has told Biden current polling data showed he could not defeat former President Donald Trump in November and could wreck Democrats’ chances of retaking the House, CNN reported.

Biden reportedly got defensive about the poll numbers and even pushed back by pointing to polls showing he could still beat Trump.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., also had a blunt conversation with Biden over the weekend and encouraged him to drop out of the race, ABC News reported—a report Schumer’s office called “speculation” but did not deny outright.

Former President Barack Obama—who has publicly stood by Biden’s reelection run but reportedly expressed concern in private—recently told his allies Biden needs to consider whether his candidacy is still viable and said his path to victory has diminished, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

An anonymous person who spoke with a Biden campaign official said the team has shifted its perspective, saying: “They’re finally realizing; it’s a when, not if,” NBC News reported.

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What To Watch For

Two senior House Democrats reportedly told CBS’s Major Garrett they expect the question of whether Biden stays in the race to be answered in the next three to five days (rendering a decision between Sunday and Tuesday), saying every day without a decision will allow for more public calls for him to leave the race.

Key Background

The reports about Biden’s willingness to discuss the path forward for his re-election campaign come after weeks of calls for him to step down after his poor debate performance. About 20 lawmakers have called on Biden to step down since late June—including Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the most prominent congressional Democrat to call for him to leave the race. A number of other big names have also called for Biden to step down, including A-listers George Clooney—a historically big Democratic donor—and actor Rob Reiner and billionaires Christy Walton, Michael Novogratz and Reed Hastings.


Adding to his woes, the president tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday and was forced to cut short a campaign tour to self-isolate at his Delaware residence. The White House said he was only experiencing “mild symptoms.” In an interview with BET that aired on Wednesday, Biden said he would be willing to drop out if his doctors determined he had a “medical condition” that could prevent him from running.

Further Reading

Every Big Name Urging Biden To Drop Out: Adam Schiff Joins 19 Other Democrats In Congress (Forbes)

Democrats’ Anti-Biden Push Resumes: Schiff And, Nearly Two-Thirds Of Democrats Want Him Out (Forbes)

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