
President Joe Biden told reporters on Friday he expects Iran to attack Israel “sooner rather than later” amid reports that Iran is preparing to attack Israel in response to a strike against the Iranian embassy in Syria earlier this month.

Key Facts

Biden, speaking to a group of reporters, said his assessment of the potential attack came from intelligence reports he was not able to describe in more detail, Politico reported.

When asked what his message was for Iran at the moment, Biden sternly said, “don’t.”

Reports that Iran is preparing to attack Israel have been increasing in recent days, and the White House said Friday they are “real,” “credible” and “viable” threats that Iran could launch a strike, according to multiple reports.

Crucial Quote

“We are devoted to the defense of Israel. We will support Israel, we will help defend Israel and Iran will not succeed,” Biden said, according to CNN.

Key Background

On April 1, an airstrike destroyed the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, and killed 16 people, seven of whom were military officers. Iran blamed the strike on Israel—which has not taken responsibility for it—and vowed to get revenge. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said they will “make (Israel) regret this crime and others it has committed,” Reuters reported, raising concern that the war between Israel and Hamas will spread further into the Middle East. The war has already sparked fighting between Israeli forces and southern Lebanon-based Hezbollah—which, along with Hamas, is supported by Iran. On Friday morning, the Wall Street Journal reported the attack may come as soon as Friday or Saturday.


Earlier Friday, the U.S. restricted its staffers in Israel from traveling outside of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv or Be’er Sheva “out of an abundance of caution.” The U.S. also encouraged citizens to remain cautious as reports increased that Iran’s attack may be coming soon. France also advised its citizens to avoid traveling in Israel on Friday, posting on X that French people were to “refrain absolutely from travelling [sic] to Iran, Lebanon, Israel or the Palestinian Territories in the coming days.” It also banned missions to those countries and said the families of diplomatic staff must leave Tehran.

Further Reading

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