When the kids were little, Taylor said they overpacked for road trips.

When packing for a road trip with kids, Taylor said not to overdo it.

“A lot of people love to have that viewpoint of you can’t be too prepared, but you can be too prepared,” Taylor told Business Insider. “When we first started traveling with two kids, we made sure to bring the entire house.”

Taylor said the family used to load the car with various toys and stuffed animals, which made their car more cluttered and trips more stressful.

“When you have so much stuff in your vehicle on a road trip that you can’t be comfortable, it’s just not worth it,” he said. “For me, keeping things clean is how I manage my stress level.”

After all, when road-tripping with babies and toddlers, Taylor said there’s already more to pack.

“You already have equipment you have to travel with — car seats, booster seats, a diaper bag, and a pack-and-play popup,” he said. “Bringing so many toys just doesn’t help anybody.”

He added that leaving toys at home has made Taylor’s kids more content with simply looking out the window on long car rides.

“We’ve definitely learned over the years how much less stress it is when you’re not worried about either forgetting something at home or having a filthy vehicle,” he said.

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